API Documentation

Authentication & Authorization

Authorization is handled by the API. At this point, API calls that access or manipulate submissions and submission runs require the user to be a member of the respective submission.

Submitting Arguments for Benchmark Runs

The API method to start an new run for a submission takes as one of its arguments a list of objects that represent the user-provided values for template parameters. Each object is expected to be a simple (flat) dictionary. Each dictionary is expected to contain an name and value element. The name references the parameter identifier. The value is dependent on the type of the parameter. At this point only strings and numbers are supported. For example,

    "name": "parameter-id",
    "value": 1

File Arguments

For parameters of type file the argument value is the identifier of a file that was uploaded by a previous API request. File arguments may have an additional element as to provide the target path for the file in the workflow execution environment. For example,

    "name": "parameter-id",
    "value": "file-id",
    "as": "data/myfile.txt"