Welcome to the Reproducible and Reusable Data Analysis Workflow Server’s documentation!

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This repository contains the implementation of the core infrastructure for the Reproducible and Reusable Data Analysis Workflow Server (flowServ). This is an experimental prototype to support reuse and evaluation of published data analysis pipelines as well as community benchmarks of data analysis algorithms. flowServ is not yet-another workflow engine. The aim instead is to provide a layer between a client (e.g. a Web user interface) and a workflow engine to facilitate the execution of a defined workflow templates (as shown in the figure below). flowServ is designed to be independent of the underlying workflow engine.

Workflow templates contain placeholders for workflow steps and/or input data and parameters that are provided by the user (e.g., by providing Docker containers that satisfy the workflow steps or uploading input data files). flowServ triggers and monitors the execution of the workflow for the given input values and maintains the workflow results. The API provides the functionality to submit new workflow runs and to retrieve the evaluation results of completed workflow runs.

ROB Architecture

flowServ was motivated by the Reproducible Open Benchmarks for Data Analysis Platform (ROB). The goal of ROB is to allow user communities to evaluate the performance of their different data analysis algorithms in a controlled competition-style format. In ROB, the benchmark coordinator defines the workflow template along with input data. Benchmark participants provide their own implementation of the variable workfow steps. The workflow engine processes workflows on submission. Execution results are maintained by flowServ in an internal database. The goal of flowServ is to be a more generic platform that can not only be used for benchmarks but also for other types of data analysis workflows.

API Reference: